Monday, July 2, 2012

weight gain.

So, due to many "stressors" in my life prior to getting pregnant, I had started out a little underweight, with a low bmi. With Jack they wanted to me to gain "at least" 25 lbs, I gained 16 lbs, granted I had him at 36 weeks, so I'm sure I would have gained a few more lbs. This time around they wanted me to gain 30-35 lbs due to starting out underweight. I know I gained a few lbs in the beginning before I started getting sick. My last appointment I had gained about about  1/2 lb in 2 weeks. Dr. H said that he'd like to see me gaining more at this point, but it was better than losing or not gaining at all. I'm really hoping I have gained some more weight by my next OB appointment in 2 weeks because my appetite is coming back and nausea is going away! Also hoping I've gained more because Falcon (yes we are referring to him as Falcon because Jeff wants to name him that...I said no, but we can't agree, so I just stopped talking about it! Plus we probably aren't telling names this time again anyways), should have doubled in his size from week 16 to week 20. Oh and I'm feeling him move and kick a lot more! Last week was a ton at night! Then the last 4 days have been very minimal...thank goodness for my doppler for reassurance!

p17 = a pain in my butt, literally.

I started my injections at 16.5 weeks. Mostly they are just a progesterone injection. I've gotten 2 so far, and go in for my 3rd in a few hours. A few people have told me they get better, because you get used to them.  Man, I hope so because they feel like a tetanus shot in my rear! I qualify for them this time around because I had a preterm delivery with Jack at 36.0 weeks. The point of the injections is to reduce preterm labor contractions by 30-50%. I am really hoping this works at least to keep me off bedrest!! :-)

Feeling better?....

I think I am starting to feel normal, oh I hope I am!! From weeks 17-almost 19 now, I have only thrown up once and have only taken my zofran about 1-3 times a week :-) I really hope I am not jinxing myself by saying that!!

Here are some pregnancy shots I have taken :-)
Weeks and Months
And the most recent 18 weeks (I'm 18.5 weeks as I'm writing this), but this shows how I can still change back and forth so much daily! Today I look more like the 18 week picture.

BFF pictures :-)

My best friend Becky is due 4 weeks 1 day before me, with a little girl! She lives in California now, and this was the only time we were going to see each other our entire pregnancies! A friend of ours so willingly took a few pictures, that's all we wanted! About 25 minutes worth of picture, for a very generous price of *free*, owe her some favors! She did a little editing, but mostly we didn't care about that and just wanted some pictures on a nicer camera than our phones! She finished them that same night and emailed them to us, awesome!! So I was even able to share them over my phone at my Becky's shower!

It's a.....


Sorry for the delay in updates, I've been so sick and busy that I haven't had time to get on a real computer!

Yes, I was still throwing up and taking my zofran almost daily until about 17 weeks.

We had our elective 3D ultrasound with our families, and even though on my 2 prior ultrasound scans I knew I saw a little penis already, it was fun to have it confirmed and get to see the little guy! This man is so much different than my first already! He is such a lazy baby in there!! Chugged orange juice and ate sweets and he hardly moved more than waving his arms! Jack man would do flips if I drank some cold water ha!

Here are a few of the little guy at 16.0 weeks.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

NT scan, 11w2d

I had my NT scan this week. I was pretty nervous for it. The babies heart rate was 161. He/She was very lazy! for the 25 minutes, with shaking, me sitting up and laying back down, it still wouldn't hardly move. About 3 different times the baby kicked a foot or two, did a little wiggle, or put its hand up to its head as if it was saying, "just leave me alone already!". Very different than what Jack was, he was always wiggling, turning, the pictures we had of him of this week were 4 different crazy positions, we didn't get many good pics of this one! Good news was my NT measurement was 1.3 (she rounded up a tad, it was 1.26 and 1.27) they like 3 measurements, but baby wouldn't move! It needed to be face up or face down, but it was just comfy laying on its side :). Here are some pictures!
You can see the arms here, laying with head to the left.
Profile shot

Face looking up, you can see 2 eyes, nose and hand to head!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Yay I'm 10 weeks, still can't hear the hb because of my backward tilted uterus. It makes me nervous and I pray everything is still okay! I went to Potter Park Zoo and Grand Ledge with the husband and Jack the other day. It was a lot of walking, hot outside and I don't think I drank enough water. When the day was done, and we started to drive home, I definately had some irritability in my uterus, hopefully just that not contractions yes. It subsided after about 20 minutes. I have my ultrasound next week friday, at 11weeks, or 11 weeks 2 days (haven't fully heard my which due date they are for sure going with at my OB). I will be making sure that they check my cervical length again. Previously it was 3.5-4cm...closer to the 3.5 I pray its still there! that will have been 3 weeks ago!